Comforting A Scared Kitty During a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms can be a major source of anxiety for some cats. It’s massively loud cracking sounds and sudden flashes of lightning can send a cat barreling to the basement or somewhere they find safe. As cat owners, it's on us to help our cats through these traumatic events by providing them some comfort and a safe place to retreat to.


Understanding Your Cat's Behavior

Before we delve into specific techniques for comforting your cat during thunderstorms, take a moment to observe how they react. Observing your cat carefully during a thunderstorm is a great way to figure out what sort of behaviour they use to cope with their anxiety. Use this to better tailor your approach to comforting them. Some cats may become visibly agitated, pacing around the house or hiding in dark corners, while others may seek comfort from their owners.


Create a Safe Haven

During thunderstorms, it's essential to provide your cat with a safe and secure space where they can seek refuge. This could be a cozy corner of a room or a quiet area away from windows and doors. Consider setting up a comfortable bed or blanket in this area to make it more inviting for them. You can also reduce the sound of the thunder by insulating it with pillows or heavy blankets. Think of it like you are making them a little safe cave!


Play Soothing Music

Soft, calming music can help drown out the loud noises of thunderstorms and provide a sense of tranquility for your cat. Choose music with gentle melodies and rhythms, such as classical or ambient music, and play it at a low volume in the background. This can help create a soothing atmosphere for them.


Setup Some iPad Games

There are lots of games available for free on your mobile device that are intended to entertain and distract cats. If you get one of these on your device, getting through a stressful storm could be as easy as setting it up and letting them play! Their instincts are strong and they might forget there is a big scary storm going on when they think a little mouse just ran by on your iPad.


Use Pheromone Diffusers

Pheromone diffusers can help reduce your cat's anxiety during thunderstorms by emitting a calming pheromone, something their second noses (vomeronasal organ) can pick up and interpret. These diffusers release synthetic pheromones that mimic those produced by mother cats to calm their kittens. Place a pheromone diffuser in the room where your cat spends most of their time to help create a sense of security and calmness.


Provide Distractions

Engaging your cat in play or interactive activities during thunderstorms can help distract them from the loud noises outside. Use toys, treats, or puzzle feeders to keep your cat entertained and focused on something other than the storm. This can help redirect their attention and alleviate their anxiety.


Comforting Physical Contact

Many cats seek comfort from their owners during times of stress, and thunderstorms are no exception. Offer your cat gentle pets and cuddles to reassure them and provide a sense of security. Be mindful of your cat's body language and only provide physical contact if they seem receptive to it. You wouldn’t want to stress them out any further.


Thunderstorms can be a source of anxiety for cats, but with the right approach, you can help comfort and reassure your furry friend during these stressful events. Creating a safe haven, playing soothing music, using pheromone diffusers, providing distractions, and offering comforting physical contact are all some great ideas to help alleviate your cat's anxiety.

It’s hard to watch an animal suffer when they are scared, so do your best to find out what makes your cat feel safe. Remember to stay calm and patient and shower them with love and affection to help weather the storm!


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