7 Safe Methods to Reduce Cat Litter Box Smell

As cat owners, we are intimately familiar with how awful a litter box can smell, but that’s really on us. When left unattended, a cat’s litter box can create an extremely overpowering smell, but when properly kept, they remain virtually smell-free. 

Some cats just seem to have smellier litter boxes than others, and while perhaps part of it is in their DNA, another big part of it is likely due to their diet or a host of other factors. If you keep a clean box, you are doing your part to keep smells down, but there might be a couple of other factors you can also address.

We’ve assembled seven tips to potentially reduce your cat’s litter box smell while maintaining a happy and healthy kitty!

1. Choose the Right Litter

Selecting the appropriate cat litter is the first step in controlling litter box odour. Clumping litters, made from materials like clay, corn, or silica gel, are excellent choices because they trap odors effectively. Some even come with odour-neutralizing properties to keep your home smelling pleasant, though we do not recommend using scented cat litter. These scents are often added for the benefit of the owner, not the cat – proving to be overpowering or difficult for some. Experiment with different brands to find one that works best for you and your cat, and keep in mind that they need to be regularly scooped to be the most effective!

2. Regular Scooping

One of the most effective ways to combat litter box odour is to run a scoop through it every day. The longer a cat’s waste sits in the box, the stronger the odour becomes. We suggest Investing in a sturdy scooper and making it a part of your daily routine to remove clumps and solid waste as soon as possible. We also recognize that not everyone will be able to maintain this schedule, so be sure to scoop as often as you can without the situation getting out of hand. This simple habit can make a significant difference in your cat’s health and happiness, and it’ll keep your home smelling fresh.

3. Proper Litter Box Placement

Location. Location. Location. Litter box location truly matters when it comes to avoiding litter box odour. Some folks make the mistake of hiding the litter box in a dark, humid, discreet place, like a basement. That’s not the worst thing if there is regular access and good airflow, but some basements can intensify smells. 

Ideally, all litter boxes should be placed in well-ventilated areas to keep odours on the move, and to provide fresh air to the space where your cat has to use the washroom. Another good tip is to make sure the box is in a quiet, accessible spot where your cat can still have some privacy.

4. Use an Odor-Absorbing Mat

Odor-absorbing mats are great pieces of cat tech. When placed under or around the litter box, they can help trap excess litter and absorb odours. That’s two jobs for the price of one! These mats are often made from materials like activated charcoal or rubber and can be easily cleaned or replaced when necessary, providing a long-lasting solution!

5. High-Quality Deodorizers

Invest in a high-quality cat litter deodorizer. These products are designed to neutralize odours without harming your cat or the environment. Look for natural, non-toxic options that are safe for both your pet and your family. Specialty pet stores would likely stock them, or they can be found online. Did you know baking soda makes a great natural deodorizer? It’s cat-safe and does a great job of neutralizing scents generated by our feline friends. 

6. Regular Cleaning

Scooping is not the same as cleaning. Aside from regular scooping, periodically cleaning the entire litter box is paramount. It might seem like a daunting task, but if you empty it completely, wash it outside with the hose, then with mild soap and water, it will go a long way to reducing the smell in your home. Kitty will also be happy to not have to smell overwhelming ammonia scents when they use the box. Be sure to let it air dry completely before refilling with fresh litter as most clumping litters bind to moisture.

7. Ventilation and Air Purification

If you’re worried about litter box odours, ensure your home is well-ventilated to prevent them from accumulating. Opening windows and using fans can help circulate fresh air will have a huge impact. Better yet, a fan placed in a nearby window, blowing outward, can help pull all negative litter box scents towards it, then push them outside. Consider also using an air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture and eliminate airborne particles. That’s not just good advice for homes with pets in them but for all!

Final Thoughts

Remember that while controlling litter box odours is essential for your comfort and that of your guests, it’s also vital to prioritize your cat’s well-being. Avoid harsh chemicals or scents that might disturb your cat. Don’t use scented litter or heavy cleaning products in the box. Cats have very sensitive noses and skin, and they are easily overwhelmed by human-made products and odours. Instead, opt for safe, cat-friendly solutions to create a pleasant environment for both you and your feline friend.

The Hervey Foundation for Cats is a cat rescue located in Alberta, Canada.

Written by Dan Huen

Image from ChoiceOMG


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