Saint Gertrude, the Patron Saint of Cats

Whether or not you are a religious person, you have likely heard of Patron Saints. There are a seemingly infinite number of Patron Saints, representing everything in life from actors to impossible feats, and finally, our feline friends. 

The Patron Saint of Cats, Saint Gertrude, also known as Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, was born into a Belgian noble family in the year 628 AD. A sign of the times, Gertrude was presented with the prospect of marrying a duke at the age of 10. Upon hearing this news, she declared that she would not marry the duke, and furthermore, she had no plans to marry anyone at all. 

While Gertrude was not interested in marriage, she was still very much a religious devotee, eventually donning the “tonsure” style shaved head as a monk would, and moving to Nivelles to establish her own Benedictine nunnery. 

As the Abbess of the nunnery, Gertrude devoted much of her life to helping the sick, the poor, and the elderly, eventually retiring from her role at age 30, and, sadly, passing away at age 33. 

A Lady of the Cat

The story of St Gertrude, Patron Saint of Cats is a bit of a surprising one. Based on her past helping individuals who needed it the most, she was originally considered the Patron Saint of Travellers, Widows, and the Mentally Ill. 

Over time, her spirit was invoked to help get rid of mouse and other rodent infestations, amongst other things such as fever and insanity.

According to some sources, by the 1980s, devout followers started to associate her with cats, and as a protector of cats, due to her history of helping get rid of pests and rodents. So technically her association with cats has more to do with her showing similar traits to a cat – going after rodents – instead of her actual interactions with them. We can, however, assume that a person known for getting rid of rodents back in the late 600s AD likely worked alongside some feline friends. 

A Party Fit for a Patron

Each year on March 17th, cat lovers around the world celebrate Saint Gertrude's feast day with a variety of feline-themed festivities. From blessings of cats at churches to special services honouring the bond between humans and their furry companions, Saint Gertrude's Day is a joyous occasion for all who cherish the company of cats. Now you can incorporate recognition for Saint Gertrude into your annual holiday schedule!



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