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How Much Should You Feed Your Cat?
The amount of food a cat needs varies from cat to cat, but there are some easy tips that will apply to most. As a first-time cat owner or someone unsure of how much food a cat truly needs, these tips can help you determine a healthy mealtime regime for your furry friend.
Do Cats Get Lonely? Do Cats Need Other Cats?
There are a lot of misconceptions about whether cats like to live among their kind – one of the biggest being they prefer to live alone. This might be rooted in the fact that adult cats have a strong solitary survival instinct, but like a lot of things, it boils down to the individual.
Can Cats Eat Garlic or Onions?
The answer is always no! It’s not about how much, or if they were cooked or not, the answer is always no. Cats cannot handle garlic or onions at all, which happen to both be members of the Allium family of vegetables. In fact, all allium vegetables are dangerous to cats, causing reactions that range in severity from serious illness to death.
Cat Love Bites – What Do They Mean?
Most cat owners are intimately familiar with love bites. Love bites can take shape in a number of ways, but most often they appear as a gentle bite, not meant to pierce the skin, and usually during a petting session, or when you show affection.
Should You Worry About Your Cat’s Zoomies?
What are the Zoomies? They are a nickname to describe a cat’s behaviour when they are darting around the home for seemingly no reason, and in many cases, giving you the crazy eyes.
Why Do Cats Like to Sneak Around?
Cats are intelligent creatures who have perfected the art of hunting wildlife. As a result, they have evolved to be very nimble, agile, and careful creatures. They are practised in hiding, stalking, pouncing, and sneaking, all skills needed to survive in the wild.
Holiday Shopping for Cats or the Cat Lover in Your Family
The holidays are coming and that means it’s time to get shopping for the people you care about! In some cases, this may include your four-legged, furry feline friends, and in other cases, those you know who care for four-legged, furry feline friends. Regardless, we have put together an essential guide of gift suggestions for the cat or cat lover in your family! The best part is these are all easily available online!
Gary and Morris, and Friends, Help Santa Fix His Sleigh
It was Christmas Eve at the Hervey Cats shelter and Marjorie had already closed things up for the night. Gary and Morris were rolling around on their backs near their favourite window while pawing at the glass. The warmth from the shelter was fogging up the windows.
“I could lay here all night!” said Gary.
“I hear that,” said Morris. “The best part is, we are cats, we can actually do that!”
Time-sharing and How Cats Get Along Under One Roof
Cats are very different from dogs. They don’t live in packs under an alpha, instead carving out their own schedules based on resource-sharing and how many other cats are in their space.
Why Do Cats Like Being Up High?
To a human, vertical space may not seem like a big deal, but to a cat, it’s the other half of their world. Cats value vertical space almost as much as we value the size of a floor plan. Because of their size and athletic ability, cats can easily vault up to positions on a perch, a couch, a bookshelf, or even a special cat perch! As a result, many are quite comfortable being up high.
Gary and Morris Build a Treehouse
It was a rainy day in early September when Gary and Morris found themselves sitting inside the Hervey Cats Shelter, staring out the window.
“I wish we could still get outside in the rain,” said Gary.
“I agree,” said Morris. “But what can we do? We hate being wet and sometimes it rains all day!”
Do Cats Speak with Their Tails? What are They Saying?
Cat communication is fascinating. The way they stare, meow, chirp, and move their tails are all different ways to get our attention and speak to us, but what are they saying?
Gary and Morris Find a Cabin
It was a lukewarm summer day in Alberta. A reprieve from the hot sun as of late. Gary and Morris were taking advantage of the mild weather and having some fun outside. As cats with fur coats, the two tend to get hot quickly when the temperature climbs. In the summer, they never miss a chance to get outside on an ice-cool day.
Why Do Cats Give Gifts?
Giving gifts isn’t just an activity relegated to the human world. If you think about it, animals are thoughtful creatures who regularly help each other survive in the great outdoors. Nature can be unforgiving, so it makes sense that some animals learned to help each other, but it’s unique when that sentiment crosses over to humans.
What’s the Deal with Cats and Ancient Egypt?
It’s no secret cats were held in high regard in ancient Egypt. You might hear in conversations that they were treated as gods, magical entities, spirits to worship, or just simply respected by the population at large.
Gary and Morris Encounter Halloween Witches
It was Halloween at the Hervey Cats shelter and Gary and Morris were having a blast playing with all the decorations. Morris had got himself tangled in a bunch of fake spider webs just as Gary was rubbing his face across a pumpkin stem.
“These stems really hit the spot,” said Gary.
“No kidding?” said Morris. “I’m in a bit of a situation here.”
You Just Found a Cat Outside, What Now?
Many of us have found ourselves in this situation. We just rescued a cat from a bad situation, or perhaps one that seemed lost, and now we are wondering what to do next. First of all, good for you! Cats need more allies in this world and people who step up to help them are certainly considered good in our books.
Tips for Grooming a Cat
Cats are naturally clean animals, but sometimes they need help. Depending on the breed, cat grooming requirements can range from weekly to rarely.
As an animal that self-grooms, cats are a rare breed! Did you know cats spend roughly 25% of their waking hours grooming themselves? It’s believed that one of the reasons they keep so clean is because they’re ambush predators. Cats prefer to hide, stalk, and then pounce on their prey – catching them by surprise. Removing any scent from their fur can be a matter of life or death.
Gary and Morris Go for a Dive
Gary and Morris were walking through the Hervey Cats shelter talking about their summer plans.
“I just love summer,” said Morris. “I love the fun activities, playing with the sprinkler, kids running around having fun, climbing trees! I love it all!”
“So do I,” said Gary. “Let’s make some plans so we don’t forget to do some of those things!”
Tick Season is Here. Is Your Cat Prepared?
With the first day of summer being June 21, as a cat owner, it is good to start thinking about ticks a few weeks beforehand. Ticks are a major issue for outdoor cats – bringing discomfort and potential for disease. Ticks live outside, so this is an issue that really only affects outdoor cats and cats who go on walks with their owners.