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Hervey Foundation for Cats The Hervey Foundation for Cats The

What to Do When Your Cat Stops Eating

Cats are natural eaters. Many will overeat if left to their own devices – we have all seen the videos on Tik Tok and Instagram of overweight cats. So what does it mean when yours stops eating?

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Gary and Morris Meet an Alien

It was a cool evening at the Hervey Foundation for Cats and Gary and Morris were playing a game of hide and seek in the backyard. The moist, spring air was almost so thick you could taste it, and the dew on the plants was starting to form.

“My fur is getting soaked!” said Morris.

“That’s just how it goes,” said Gary. “It’s springtime, it’s nighttime, and the fresh air is the best part! I guess it does get a little dewy.”

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Secrets to Keeping Your Long-Haired Cat Properly Groomed

Long-haired cats are some of the most graceful breeds in the feline world. Their fluffy, soft coats of long and luxurious fur do come with a price, though, and that is regular maintenance. Cats are naturally clean animals, but sometimes it can be difficult for a long-haired cat to take proper care of their coat – especially if they have gained a few pounds.

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Is There an Alternative to the Cone for Your Cat?

Cat cones might be uncomfortable and strange looking, but they are used by veterinarians for a very good reason. Being creatures without a language, cats’ behaviours are regulated by their emotions and instincts. When feeling scared, they might do things that are detrimental to their health without realizing the outcome.

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Different Types of Tabby Cat Patterns

Tabby cats are some of the world’s most recognizable cats and for good reason! Not only do they have wonderful personalities, but they come in a variety of captivating and unique patterns.

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How to Get Your Cat Drinking More Water

Are you worried about how much water your cat is drinking? Are they showing signs of dehydration? Trouble at the litter box? Many domesticated cats don’t get enough water at home, and there are some easy things you can do to encourage your cat to drink more H2O.

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Gary and Morris Get Caught in a Storm

It was a warm spring day outside the Hervey Cats Foundation, and Gary and Morris were sitting on the back deck, grooming and feeling the warmth of the morning sun. They’d only been awake a short while despite the rest of the foundation having been hustling and bustling for hours already – the humans, that is.

Last night, the cats of the foundation all played another round of late-night hide-and-go-seek tag. They were running, hiding, and stomping all over the place – having an absolute blast. As a result, most of the cats on the property had all slept in today.

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Cat Enrichment: How to Help a Bored Cat

Enrichment is the term used to describe the opportunity we give to our cats to learn, explore, eat, and use all their senses. So how do we, as owners provide more opportunities for them? It’s vitally important to a cat’s mental health, and overall well-being, that we provide these opportunities through play, interaction, and things they can interact with while alone. 

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Gary and Morris Hold a Toothpick Race

“What a gorgeous spring day!” said Gary, just as he walked right into a deep puddle. “I’m soaking wet now!”

Morris laughed. “It really is a great day,” he said.

“Yeah right,” said Gary. “And by the way, I said it was a gorgeous day.”

The two cats were hanging out in the backyard, feeling the moist ground from the melting snow. The smell of the wet dirt and grass was in the air, and despite having just walked into a small body of water, Gary was loving it.

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Gary and Morris Throw a Valentine’s Day Party

February was showing its true colours this year as Gary and Morris sat inside watching the snowfall. It was cold. Not just a little, but a lot. The windows inside the Herveycats shelter were all frosted up and it was cold, dark, and quiet outside.

“I wish it wasn’t so darn cold out,” said Morris.

“I’m with you on that one,” said Gary.

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How To Protect Your Cat from Theft

Pet theft is on the rise in our modern world. The ease of access to online marketplaces (Kijiji, Facebook Marketplace, etc.) has almost made it convenient for thieves to sell a stolen animal quickly and easily. An ad can be posted, responded to, and taken down in anywhere from minutes to hours, with no trace left behind.

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Separation Anxiety in Cats

Separation anxiety is defined by the Mayo Clinic as: “recurrent and excessive distress about anticipating or being away from home or loved ones, and constant worry that something bad will happen causing separation from parents or other loved ones.”

It seems like separation anxiety can be pretty complex in people, so is it even possible for animals, or more specifically, cats, to have it? The answer is a resounding yes. It’s quite common for cats and other pets to experience separation anxiety.

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Why Do Cats Shake Their Back?

Have you ever noticed a cat shaking the fur on its back? It’s a more common behaviour than you’d think. To us humans, it might seem odd that cats can shake the fur on their backs – and even odder considering that is the skin on their back that is doing the shaking. What makes a cat want to shake its back? Is there a reason for it? Is it a medical condition?

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The Pre-Attack Butt Wiggle: What is the Reason?

Fierce hunters as they are, domesticated cats sure have some odd routines that strike them when the mood is right. Have you ever jiggled a toy in front of your cat only to have them snake their body around in several directions, pull at the carpet, dip down behind a shoe thinking they’re invisible, or, better yet, get low to the ground and wiggle their butt in the air?

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Is There a Reason Cats Move Their Ears?

It sure is funny how many different types of ears are out there. Humans have large round dish-like ears to capture sounds and feed them to the inner ocular organs. Owls have stationary internal ears and can move their heads around almost 360 degrees. The domesticated housecat, despite its more suburban lifestyle, has an incredible pair of ears that can pinpoint prey and anticipate danger!

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What is the Deal with Cat Headbutts?

If you have a cat, you know all about cat headbutts. They headbutt everything from people to table legs, to tissue paper. What does it signify? Is there some sort of meaning behind it or does it just feel good to them? Are they trying to tell us something?

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Fireplace Safety for Cats

When the days are cold and the nights are long, settling down by the fireplace with your laptop, a good book, or your phone might sound pretty tempting.

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What’s the Deal with Cats Grooming Each Other?

If you’ve owned more than one cat, there is a strong possibility you’ve encountered this scene. Two or more of your cats are lying down together, seemingly lovingly, licking each other all over the head and neck. While it may warm your heart to see your two feline friends being so friendly, you may also find yourself asking, “Why are they doing this?”

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Gary and Morris Build a Snow Fort

It was a brisk winter morning at the Hervey Cats shelter. The sun was out, but it was still cold. It was one of those days where you think you want to be outside, then you get out there and immediately change your mind. Cats know all about changing their minds, always wanting inside and outside all at the same time.

Gary and Morris had just got back inside for the third time that morning and Marjorie was now getting tired of letting them in and out so frequently.

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Cats and Arthritis

Much as humans do, when cats age, they become more prone to arthritis and joint inflammation. Arthritis for cats is similar to arthritis for humans – the joints swell up and become stiff and painful.

Healthy joints have smooth cartilage surfaces that glide past each other when moving, but in arthritic joints, the cartilage breaks down and bone ends up rubbing against bone.

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